= General Tips and Tricks = * ListOfOptions - How to see the list of available options for your setup.py script * RunningSetup - How to run the setup script once you've written it * EncodingsAgain - Problem with encodings and when they are not found in a standalone executable * EvenMoreEncodings - They really keep bugging. Solution to problem with different site.py * AddingConfigFiles - How can you add arbitrary files to your py2exe-Setup? * PathModul - Using Jason Orendorffs python PathModul together with py2exe 0.5 * PassingOptionsToPy2Exe - Avoid using sys.argv to pass options * SubclassingPy2Exe - Customizing the build process * CustomIcons - How to get your own icons with py2exe 0.5 * TkInter - I do not need any tkinter / tcl-Libs in my Setup * FilenameCaseMatters - Some windows filing systems mangle case, break py2exe programs * WinBatch - A short Windows Batch File to fast provide the EXE File * ExcludingDlls - Stopping py2exe from picking up unwanted DLLs * ShippingEmbedded - How to use py2exe to ship embedded Python modules * SingleFileExecutable - with NSIS * OptimizedBytecode - How to get optimized bytecode for all modules * CustomDataInExe - Add custom data in the executable? * HowToDetermineIfRunningFromExe - Simple functions to determine if you're in an .exe or .py * [[WhereAmI]] - sometimes you need to now where your exe is within the filesystem * Py2exeEnvironment - Information about the environment for the executable * [[py2exeAndWindowsServices]] - some gained knowledge * GuiApps - dealing with stdout * StderrLog - How does py2exe handle stack track printing and STDERR? How can Ichange that behaviour? * [[py2exeAndSOAPpy]] - How to get SOAPpy working with py2exe. * [[http://pybuilder.sf.net|PyBuilder]] - A Gui interface to compile easier and faster. * OverridingCriteraForIncludingDlls - how to override the criteria that py2exe uses to determine whether a DLL should be included in the distributed package. * DealingWithImportError - what to do if confronted with `ImportError: No module named ...` * DealingWithWarnings - what to do to avoid warnings in windows (no console) mode getting into application errors. * OptimizingSize - how to make your distribution as small as possible * [[comparison.py]] - a quick script for finding missing files, packages, and modules.