= Problem = I use wxPython for my GUI. Modulefinder / py2exe nonetheless decides that tkinter and tcl have to be included in my distribution. = Explanation = ??? I would like one, really. And I found one, with help of Thomas: I included SimpleXMLServer, which itself has a conditional import of pydoc, which has a conditional import of tkinter. But conditional or not, I do not want tkinter in my distribution. So I staid with my solution ham 2004-02-01 I have tried removing the pydoc import in SimpleXMLServer, but py2exe keeps importing tcl. So it must be something else. -- Dody Wijaya = Solution = Extend the exclusions {{{ #!python excludes = ["pywin", "pywin.debugger", "pywin.debugger.dbgcon", "pywin.dialogs", "pywin.dialogs.list", "Tkconstants","Tkinter","tcl" ] }}} the relevant line is {{{ "Tkconstants","Tkinter","tcl" }}} HAM 20040127 = Amendment if you're using PIL = I'm using PIL in my application and it has a bunch of Tk files and dependencies in it which aren't explicitly necessary if you're not using Tk. First, when you're trying to resolve issues where files aren't getting excluded or included properly, make sure to erase your {{{build}}} directory. That saves a lot of headaches right there, where Python or py2exe or both are seeing old, non-excluded compiled versions of files. Thanks to {{{ drewp }}} on {{{ #python }}} for the reminder. Per {{{ The-Fixer }}} in {{{ #python }}}, changing my Python app extension from {{{ .py }}} to {{{ .pyw }}} got rid of many of the additional modules being included. Eir's not sure why, and I'm not either, but it makes a difference to py2exe. There are still a handful of files laying around, though. Although they only add up to about 11K (and less when zipped), it's the principle of the thing. :) To really clean house, along with the three excludes listed above, add the following to your {{{ setup.py }}} to get rid of the remaining rogue elements. {{{ "_imagingtk", "PIL._imagingtk", "ImageTk", "PIL.ImageTk", "FixTk" }}} Yes, you do have to double up on the definitions. You can also now change your extension back to {{{ .py }}} if you want; that makes no difference after you exclude all of the above. Thanks for the help! -- Vito Miliano, 2005/04/16